Lone Prairie can be found at loneprairie.net, and has been around since 1998.

I’m a follower of Jesus Christ. I write in an observational style about faith, humor, North Dakota, rural life, writing, art, conservative topics, travels, and pretty much anything that piques my interest. You can find out more on my main website.

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I’ve been blogging for a quarter of a century on a lot of different platforms and in a lot of different styles, but at this point in life, somewhat weary of the anger and reactionary activism style of writing, the Lone Prairie Blog generally tries a gentler approach towards observation, humor, and thoughtfulness, whether it’s through a funny real-life story or thoughts about a poem. (Most of the time.)

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Artist, writer, and private pilot, writing about Christian faith, daily life, and observations from the lone prairie of North Dakota. Blogging since 2000.


Artist, writer, pilot. Loves Jesus. Always a farm girl. Blogging since 2000.